Samick History
Based on the information provided, the serial number 7040288 on a Samick guitar indicates that it was likely made in 1988. To confirm this information, you may be able to use a Samick guitar serial number decoder or contact the manufacturer directly for more information.
Korean based Samick Musical Instruments Co, Ltd. is one of the world’s largest producers of musical instruments.
You may be playing an instrument made by the Samick factory and do not know it. With a manufacturing capability of more than one million guitars per year in factories in Korea, Indonesia, China, and the United States, Samick also ranks as the world's leading stringed instrument producer.
The company sells its guitars under its own brand names, including Samick, Abilene, Silvertone, and the Greg Bennett Signature Series.
Samick has manufactured guitars for many other companies, including Fender and Gibson.
Additionally, this manufacturer produces a full range of pianos, electric and acoustic guitars, b… Samick History
Korean based Samick Musical Instruments Co, Ltd. is one of the world’s largest producers of musical instruments.
You may be playing an instrument made by the Samick factory and do not know it. With a manufacturing capability of more than one million guitars per year in factories in Korea, Indonesia, China, and the United States, Samick also ranks as the world's leading stringed instrument producer.
The company sells its guitars under its own brand names, including Samick, Abilene, Silvertone, and the Greg Bennett Signature Series.
Samick has manufactured guitars for many other companies, including Fender and Gibson.
Additionally, this manufacturer produces a full range of pianos, electric and acoustic guitars, b… Samick History